So many 'woke' clothing companies!
(Instead buy from companies listed at the bottom of this page -- also found on our 'Good' Companies' page)
Levi Strauss -
(see our detailed review
of Levi Strauss) - Racists, anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-justice
system, anti-guns, anti-Rittenhouse, stopped advertising on Musk's Twitter, anti-parental rights, ESG, climate change nonsense, etc. Consider Cinch Jeans instead.
Lululemon - (see our detailed review
of Lululemon) - Reprehensible radicalized advocates of lawlessness, anti-Trump, pro-child grooming, resist capitalism, D.I.E, Defund-The-Police, No-Bail, etc.
Under Armour - Required their white employees
to watch racist anti-white "training" videos. Pulled out of the Trump
manufacturing group. CEO voiced opposition to Georgia's much needed
voting reform law. Against Florida's Parental Rights Bill. Joined the left-wing Civic
Alliance. Instead buy from our good companies list. If you insist on buying Under Armour products, then buy through Dillard's.
The NorthFace (owned by VF Corp) - Donated to a summer camp that encourages kids as young as 12 to perform in drag shows. Obsessed with climate change nonsense, and systemic racism nonsense. Refused to take an order from an oil company because the NorthFace hates
fossil fuels. You can't make this stuff up! Donated 50K to the ACLU, and 75K to other race-mongering groups. Employees and
PAC's donated 12X
more to Biden than Trump. Joined StopHateForProfit.
“Summer of Pride” campaign. VF Corp also owns JanSport, Eastpak, Timberland, Dickies, Kodiac, Red
Kap, Altra shoes, Vans. If you insist on buying NorthFace crap, then buy through Dillard's. KARMA STRIKES
BACK: Their Milwaukee store was looted of more than 30K in merchandise, and their Chicago store was broken
into and looted.
VF Corp - (Owns Jansport) Obsessed with
climate change nonsense, and systemic racism nonsense. Vowing to hire less white people, and less men by 2030. Training employees
about their unconscious bias (AKA systemic racism). Jansport Joined the anti-Trump group StopHateForProfit, and has a 'Social Compliance' page pushing D.I.E.
VF aims to have 25% BIPOC representation by 2030 (AKA hire less white employees), and 50% 'diverse talent' (defined as women, BIPOC, LBGTQIA+ individuals and individuals with disabilities when seeking to hire or promote associates. VF wants 'climate justice'.
Madewell (owned by J. Crew) - Has a 'vision' for D.I.E. with Orwellian terms like 'fostering inclusion', 'infusing talent', 'developing leaders'. Focused on 'racial justice'. Predictably, run by democrats. 20% off if you voted (when pushed to vote, most will vote democrat). Pride tribalism. Joined the anti-Trump group Stop Hate For Profit. Actively promoting left-wing ideological views.
Nordstrom - (see our detailed
review of Nordstrom) - Anti-Trump, fighting for democrats,
supports BLM, hires based on race over merit, etc. Shop at Dillard's
instead! UPDATE: We are enjoying watching Nordstrum constantly being
looted! Nordstrom is getting exactly what they voted for and support! Closed both San Francisco locations due to crime that they supported via BLM movement. Get woke, go out of business. Topanga, CA store looted of 60 - 100K.
Macy's - Pulled Ivanka Trump's line after Trump won. Democrat
donors, race-mongering. Against Florida's Parental Rights Bill. Shop at Dillard's instead. Macy's joined the left-wing Rock The Vote. BLM supports looting Macy's. UPDATE:
Karma strikes back! We love watching the looting of this vile store! The very radical left who Macy's supports have
looted and ransacked their stores during the George Floyd riots, as
well as during the 8/9/2020 Chicago black lives matter looting
spree, in Philly on 12/11/21, and in San Jose on 12/18/2021. Arcadia store looted on 8/22/2023. 9/6/2023 Smash 'n Grab at Macy's in Brea, CA.
Estee Lauder - 95% of its
contributions go to democrats.
Joined democrats in opposition of election integrity bills. Wants 13%
of their workforce to have black skin pigmentation. Donated 11.8 million dollars to BLM related causes. Sponsored Eileen Gu, the Olympic skier who defected to China.
Eddie Bauer - Joined the anti-Trump group StopHateForProfit. Committed to promoting D.I.E. Donated to the NAACP and Color of Change
Columbia Sportswear - (also Pacific
Trail, Sorel, Mountain Hard Wear, PrAna) Obsessed with
racism. Preaches the lie of
systemic racism in America, donated to the NAACP legal defense fund
(but not to the ACLJ), rushed to endorse Bubba Wallace. Columbia
Sportswear are rabid
Dem donors. Closed
all of their North American stores for 2 hours in honor of armed
robber George Floyd, race-mongering tweets.
Gucci - Donated
half a million dollars to a gun control rally. Race-mongering, donated
to the NAACP, and Campaign Zero and Know Your Rights Camp. Wants
D.I.E. (diversity, inclusion and equity) in their workplace (AKA
socialism). Wants to help integrate "refugees" in Italy. Pride tribalism.
BLM supports looting Gucci. Gucci’s parent company, Kering, publicly supported & donated to an anti-police organization who support defunding the police and letting criminals out of jail. UPDATE: Karma strikes back. The very
radical left who Gucci supports have looted and ransacked their
stores during the George Floyd riots, as well as during the 8/9/2020
Black Lives Matter looting spree in Chicago. ANTIFA looted a Gucci store during the Atlanta riots. 7/11/2023 San Francisco location 40K looted. 6/29/2023 Gucci in France was looted by refugees. 2/19/2024 New York store robbed. LOL
Gap brands (Athleta,
Banana Republic, Old Navy, Gap) - Donated $250,000 to the
NAACP and Embrace Race (which dangerously reinforces in children the
notion of racial division and the need for wealth distribution).
Picking employees based on
black skin pigmentation rather than merit. Old Navy had to close its San Francisco store due to out of control shoplifting (says an employee). Shop at Dillard's instead!
- Joined the anti-Trump group StopHateForProfit.
ShopStyle - Stopped selling
Ivanka Trump line. Pushing "diversity & inclusion" AKA exclusion
and "social and economic equality" AKA socialism, supporters
of BLM and CRT. Instead shop at Dillard's.
Tapestry (Kate Spade)
- A spade is a spade! Pushing women's and "black girls" oppression,
racial inequality, climate change nonsense. Gave
$150,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Donated
to "More Than a Vote", a Black Lives Matter inspired organization
launched by Lebron James and other democrats to "defend voting rights"
-- AKA to increase democrat votes probably via ballot
harvesting, no ID to vote, etc. 100%
democrat donations since 2012. Kate Spade joined the left-wing Rock The Vote. Partnership with trannie, Dylan Mulvaney.
Burlington Coat Factory -
Removed Ivanka Trump products from their website. Joined other
leftists via CivicAlliance's
opposition to Georgia's voting integrity bill, along with other
Republican bills. Race-mongering.
Shop at Dillard's instead! KARMA: Their Sacramento location got robbed on 7/24/2023.
Urban Outfitters
- Employees and PAC's gave
3X more to democrats in 2020. Sold
never-Trump clothing. Joined the left-wing Civic
Alliance. Supports the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter.
Fashion Nova - Donating $1 million over the course of 2020 to organizations including, Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal and Education Fund, and Your Rights Camp.
Fabletics - $50,000 to the ACLU "in its fight for racial justice and immediate change". Founded by Hollywood leftist, Kate Hudson.
JC Penny -
Partnership with Sephora, our #1 boycott target. Cancel culture:
Stopped selling My Pillow products because CEO Mike Lindell questioned
the integrity of the 2020 election, an act of free speech. Stands
for racial equality (AKA socialism). Shop at Dillard's instead!
Neiman Marcus - Removed Ivanka
Trump's products from their website. Supports
the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter. UPDATE:
Karma strikes back! The very radical left who Neiman Marcus supports
have looted and ransacked their stores during the George Floyd
riots, and post-Rittenhouse trial unrest in Chicago.
Louis Vuitton - Supports the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter. Sponsored Eileen Gu, the Olympic skier who defected to China. Decorated their store fronts with rainbows. French
company. UPDATE: Karma strikes back! The
very radical left who Louis Vuitton supports, looted their San
Francisco and Los Angeles stores. France store vandalized and looted during migrant riots. Los Angeles store looted again.
Belk - Removed Ivanka Trump's
products from their website. Supports the violent Marxist group Black
Lives Matter.
Victoria's Secret (owned by L
Brands) - Race-mongering and fighting for "equality" (AKA
picking and choosing based on skin pigmentation, gender, socialism,
etc.) Hired a tranny model. Uses trannie runway models in fashion show. Sponsored Eileen Gu, the Olympic skier who defected to China. Two biggest shareholders are BlackRock and Vanguard. UPDATE: Wokesters become brokesters. VSCO stock price has plunged from $76 to $13.62.
Belk -
Race-mongering, "equity and inclusion" (AKA picking and choosing based
on skin pigmentation, gender, etc.)
Marshall's - Removed Ivanka
Trump signs inside their stores. Race-mongering. Race-based hiring
practives. Shop at Dillards instead!
T.J. Maxx (also owns Sierra
Trading Post, Marshall's, Home
Goods, Home Sense) - Donating $10 million
to organizations such as the NAACP
in order to "support racial justice and equity", thus promoting the false narrative of systemic
racism. Removed Ivanka Trump signs advertising Ivanka Trump
merchandise. Shop at Dillards instead. UPDATE:
Karma strikes back! The very radical left who T.J. Maxx supports,
looted and ransacked their Santa Monica store during the George
Floyd riots. Sometimes
their stores are looted in broad daylight in places like La Canada
Flintridge, Granada Hills, etc.
Deisel - Took stand against
Trump's wall. Diversity-mongering, pride tribalism.
Abercrombie & Fitch (also
Hollister, Gilly Hicks) - CEO joined other leftists in opposition to
Georgia's much needed voting reform law. Donated
30 times more to democrats. Race-mongering. Has a "Director of Global
Diversity & Inclusion".
Hollister - Pushing
racial discrimination & social justice hysteria and pushing
to make kindergarten and elementary schools
inclusive of LBGTQ.
Calvin Klein (owned by PVH
Corp) - 100% of company donations go
to democrat party. Race-mongering. Donations to the NAACP Legal
Defense & Education Fund and the ACLU, among other organizations.
Has a "Pride Capsule collection" with tranny models. Fat, bi-racial, trans models.
Kenneth Cole - CEO joined other
leftists in opposition of much needed voting integrity bills. Supports
the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter.
Guess - Highly woke! 98% of its
contributions go to democrats.
Donating 1 million dollars to the NAACP. Keeps track of employees by race and gender. Supports the violent Marxist
group Black Lives Matter. Sponsored Eileen Gu, the Olympic skier who defected to China. Hypocrite virtue signalers still open in Russia [1, 2].
Tommy Hilfiger - Pushing D.I.E. (AKA racial discrimination over merit). Wants to 'Achieve gender parity in leadership positions' by 2030. Almost exclusively democrat donors. Climate change nonsense. Partners with the far-left RockTheVote in 2020. Hypocrites still open in Russia. NY-based.
L. L. Bean - This company
flipped and went full
democrat in 2018. Tribalism.
H&M - Donated $500,000 to
NAACP, ACLU and Color of Change,
thus excluding people of other skin pigmentations and pusing to defund
the police. Against Florida's Parental Rights Bill.
Ganni - Donated $100,000 to
the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, the NAACP, and the ACLU.
Collina Strada - All sales for the week beginning June 1, 2020 will go towards bail funds around the country.
SHIEN - $200,000 to various organizations including the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
Aritzia - $100,000 to the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter and to the NAACP.
Everlane - Donated $75,000 to
the Equal Justice Initiative and the ACLU. Promotes the violent
Marxist group Black Lives Matter. Headquartered in the Marxist city of
San Francisco.
J.Crew - Race-mongers who want equality (AKA socialism) [1, 2]. Pride tribalism. Pushing everyone to vote. Also pushing climate change nonsense. Employees and PAC's have donated almost exclusively to democrats.
Burberry Limited
- Race-mongering.
Alexander McQueen
- Race-mongering.
Dior -
Race-mongering. French company.
Bottega Veneta - Donated to the
NAACP. UPDATE: Karma strikes back. Their
LA store was smash & grab looted by the very mob that they
Burberry - Race-mongering,
support for the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter. UK company.
UPDATE: Karma strikes back. Their SF
store was looted by the very mob that they support.
Tiffany & Co
- Race-mongering, Nearly 100% of 2020 donations were to
democrats. Sponsored Eileen Gu, the Olympic skier who defected to China.
Spanx (majority owned by Blackstone,
yet another vile company) - Donated $200,000 to the violent Marxist
group Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund,
and The Minnesota Freedom Fund (bailing criminals out of jail).
For Love and Lemons - Raised
$90,000 for the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, The Bail
Project, the ACLU and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
TechStyle Fashion Group - Donated
$150,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the ACLU and to the violent
Marxist group Black Lives Matter.
Hot Topic (owned
by Sycamore Partners) - Tweets about institutional
racism and oppression (CRT), supports the violent Marxist group Black
Lives Matter, 50K donation to the Legal Defense Fund. LBGTQ
tribalism. 5% discount to customers who voted in 2020 (because young
people vote democrat).
advertising from Tucker Carlson for supporting merit-based
Balance Athletica - Donated
$30,000 to two organizations that futher the hysterical narrative of
racial injustice.
Aritzia - "Stands in solidarity
with" the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter. In support of
Jacob Blake they closed all of their US stores for one day. Investing
1 million dollars "to expand and strengthen our Diversity and
Inclusion Program here at Aritzia", thus discriminating against people
of other skin pigmentations who might otherwise be more qualified.
CatBirdNYC - Rabidly
supports the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter and the lie
about sytemic racism.
Tory Burch - Joined
other leftists in opposition of much needed voting integrity bills.
Richer Poorer
- Joined other leftists in opposition of much needed voting integrity
Everlane -
Founder joined other leftists in opposition of voting integrity bills.
Marc Jacobs - Supports the
violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter. UPDATE:
The very Marxists that Marc
Jacobs supports, looted their Beverly Hills store.
American Eagle - Pledged to $500,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense
Fabletics -
Donated to the ACLU.
Tailored Brands (owns Moores, K&G Fashion Store, Jos A Bank, Men's Warehouse) - Created a D.I.E. Council. Wants the company to become more "equitable and inclusive". Wants to reduce fossil fuels.
Jos. A. Bank (owned by Tailored Brands) - Supports the violent Marxist group BLM. Says that systemic racial inequality is real. Says they 'must increasing diversity' at all levels of the company (AKA discriminate against white people). Pride tribailism.
Men's Warehouse (owned by Tailored Brands) - Supports the violent Marxist group BLM.Says that systemic racial inequality is real. Says they 'must increasing diversity' at all levels of the company (AKA discriminate against white people). Pride tribailism.
KontoorBrands (owns Lee
Jeans, Wrangler Jeans, Rock & Republic, VF Outlet) -
Company is basically built on
critical race theory. Pushing D.I.E. (AKA diversity, inclusion, and
equity over merit) in their workforce, in marketing, policies,
practices, and processes. Actually keeps
track of employees by race and gender.
Anne Taylor (LOFT)
- Donated to GLSEN, which seeks to essentially normalize child gender
dysphoria. Celebrates Pride. Shop at Dillards instead. A reader
reports that they allow store employees to wear Black Lives Matter
Ralph Lauren -
LBGTQ and women's tribalism. Against
North Carolina's bathroom bill. Donated
6x more to democrats in 2020.
Apparel - Against North Carolina's bathroom bill. Obsessed
with pride tribalism. Known for hiring a lot of illegal immigrants. Shut down its factory to their own workers to attend an illegal immigration rally. Donations
flipped to democrats in 2020.
Gildan Brands (owns American Apparel) - Wants D.I.E. (diversity, inclusion, equity). Wants to change employee makeup by gender. Imagery suggests that they want to increase black employees. Pushing ESG. Pushing climate change nonsense. Canadian company.
Banana Republic -
LBGTQ tribalism. Donated to the NAACP and Embrace Race. Donated
8x more to democrats in 2020.
Stitch Fix - Pulled
advertising from Laura Ingram for criticizing David Hogg.
Land's End -
LBGTQ tribalism, supports the violent Marxist group BLM.
shorts - Highly 'woke' company. Supports
the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, pushing
the notion that America is systemically racist, pushing
LBGTQ tribalism.
MeUndies - Donated
to the violent Marxist group, Black Lives Matter. Fighting for "racial
justice", equality, inclusivity (all euphemisms for
socialism and race before merit). Tweets urging people to vote. CEO
felt the need to tell people what pronouns
he should be addressed by. He was indoctrinated at the far-left SMU.
Headquartered in the left-wing city of Los Angeles. - Dropped Ivanka
Trump's line. UPDATE: Now bankrupt!
HSN - Stopped selling the Trump
Home line of home furnishings.
- Pride tribalism.
Authentic Brands Group (owns Brooks Brothers, Frye Boots) - Pushing D.I.E. (diversity, inclusion, equity). Pride tribalism. Supports NAACP legal defense fund. Mostly democrat donors since 2016.
Dolce & Gabbana - Woke commercial.
Carter's (owns OshKosh B’gosh, Skip Hop, Little Planet, Just One You, Simple Joys, Child of Mine) - Pride Month tribalism tweet. Actually has a "Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee". Works with historically black colleges and universities to recruit employees. Keeps track of employees by gender, race, and ethnicity. Explicitly wants to "increase racial and enthic diversity at the Vice president and district manager level" (AKA inherently discriminate). Pushing climate change nonsense. Pushing ESG in their "social responsibility report". Tiny donations favor Republicans.
SPARC Group LLC owns many left-wing sister companies (Aéropostale, Brooks Brothers, Eddie Bauer, Forever 21, Lucky Brand, Nautica and Reebok) - Aéropostale donated a minimum of $250,000 to the Trevor Project. Dem donors. .
Brooks Brothers - "Our values at Brooks Brothers align with and our morals support the objectives of the Black Lives Matter movement."
Nautica - Race tribalism promoting 'cultural and gender diversity'. Contributed to the Center for Black Equality.
Saucony - Pushing D.I.E. (diversity, inclusion, equity). Supports the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter [1, 2]. Matching employee donations to Black Lives Matter Boston, Global Empowerment Mission, Black Community, Minnesota Freedom Fund, ACTBlue Charities, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, ACLU, Loveland Foundation, Black Health Alliance.
LandsEnd - Pushing D.I.E. Donated 25K to an LGBTQ organization.
Hanes -
Owns Champion - Hanes posted a message about "systemic racism" and announced that they made "a
donation" to the NAACP. This announcement
was met with anger from consumers. Hanes also has a webpage about
"diversity and inclusion", and about climate change nonsense. Champion pride tribalism. But,
are heavy Republican donors. Shop
with Duluth Trading, Russell Athletic, Fruit of the Loom, and
Spaulding first.
Duluth Trading - Don't be fooled by their 'manly' commercials! DIE indoctrination: "All Duluth employees participate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training". More wokeism: Showcased a person who has a "mentoring program to bring diversity into brewing", and another who founded the woke, Color in the Outdoors, and believes "equity in outdoor spaces is so vitally important".
Ross - Commitment to D.I.E., keeps track of employees by race. Pride tribalism. Dem donors.
Darn Tough Vermont - Darn Woke! Race-mongering rant about George Floyd and the "plight" of black people for for "401 years". Has a "need to increase the number of people of color within our company". Unconditional bias training. "Gender equity to our hiring and promotion practices, and beyond." Audits their supplier diversity based on D.I.E. Enhancing their "advocacy work to support trade associations, citizen groups, organizations, and legislation that address social and racial injustices."
Cole Haan - Pride tribalism. Donating a minimum of $25,000 to The Trevor Project. Buy John Candor instead.
Carhartt - Even after the supreme court blocked Biden's vaccine mandate for large employers, Carhartt didn't care. Employees still must get vaccinated. - You may find some or all of the same reportedly very low quality/wrong size products sold on these other websites that are too numerous to list: etc. -- See our detailed review of Cotosen.
TIP: If you insist on buying a clothing product from a manufacturer on our boycott list, avoid buying directly from them. Instead buy from Dillards if possible, and thus a good company shares profits with a bad company.
Dillards department store - A rare
clothing retailer bright spot! The only thing close to politics that we can find is a pandering page with light talk about diversity. To them, the word 'diversity' is probably just a substitute term for 'equal opportunity employer' to creatively shut up the activists. This little webpage is minuscule in comparison to what other companies are doing. Dillards has no talk about D.I.E. race quotas. As further confirmation, Dillards has no woke tweets. Stellar donation record. 85% to Republicans in 2020. Based in Little Rock, AR.
Jockey - Small number of donations heavily favor Republicans. No woke nonsense that we can find. Headquartered in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Buy direct from or a Jockey outlet store! DO NOT buy from Macy's, Target, Kohl's or JC Penny, as they are all on our boycott list!
Cinch Jeans - No wokeism that we can uncover. Denver-based. - Ohio-based. - Based in Waterford, MI
Randa Apparel & Accessories (owns Haggar Clothing) - Seems to be apolitical. Texas-based.
Pendleton - Seems to be apolitical.
Orvis - Seems to be apolitical.
Flag & Anthem - Seems to be apolitical. No woke tweets.
1791 Supply & Co -
WeareUnitedUs - Non-woke but pricey and small selection.
BYLT Basics - No politics that we can uncover other than an attempt to charge you $2.75 to "Offset your shipment's carbon footprint", which is pure nonsense -- Humans are not heating up the planet. A bit pricey, but high quality. T's are made with 67% Polyester, 28% Cotton and 5% Spandex. Based in Orange County, CA. - The only athletic brand that stands up for women's sports.
Russell Athletic, Fruit of the Loom, Spalding - Owned by Berkshire
Hathaway. Donations have historically favored Republicans. However,
Berkshire Hathaway committed to OneTen,
AKA hire based on race over merit. The company has also done some
pandering to BLM, and has talk of climate
change nonsense. But, beggars can't be choosers in this rabidly
woke industry. You certainly don't want to support Under Armour, VF
Corp, Gap Brands, and the rest of the offensive companies.
Perry Ellis - Some Tweets about diversity, but could be pandering in response to SJW. Owner was born in Cuba, so he likely fears the communist democrat party. Pride tribalism. Donations are solidly Republican.
Go back to Liberal Companies you should boycott.
List of GOOD companies