N95 Masks Don't Work


The media hailed Germany as a 'Master Class' in stopping the virus. The Atlantic declated that Germany's mandates were 'beating' COVID. All famous last words.







Cases spiked in Germany despite medical-grade mask mandates...



Keep in mind that 1) Aerosol particals go through and around surgical masks, and 2) A large study of out-patient health care workers shows that there is no different in efficacy in wearing surgical masks versus N95 masks.


Cases spiked in Austria despite N95-only mask mandates...





98 studies on masks: https://lists.grabien.com/list-studies-and-other-data-undercutting-utility-masks-stopping-c

The science is conclusive on masks: https://www.sott.net/article/434796-The-Science-is-Conclusive-Masks-and-Respirators-do-NOT-Prevent-Transmission-of-Viruses
Dr. Noel’s video demonstration of masks not working: https://videopress.com/v/4egEyh2b
N95 VS medical masks: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2749214


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