Organizations to avoid


So many organizations have been overrun by left-wing politics, we're not sure why we even bother to comprise a list. It would be easier to just provide a list of the organizations that are not woke. Support good organizations.


fist tribal bord newsg 2nd Anti-Defamation League - (See our detailed review of the ADL) - Rabidly anti-free speech, anti-conservative, mouthpiece of the DNC.

fist tribal bord newsg StopHatefForProfit - (See our detailed review of StopHateForProfit) - Censorship-lovers, race-mongers, never-Trumpers. The Anti-Defamation League owns the trademark for "Stop Hate For Profit". Go figure.

fist tribal bord newsg 2nd ACLU - (See our detailed review of the ACLU ) - Race-mongers, fighting for illegal immigrants, anti-Police, anti-Tucker Carlson, fighting for tranny rights, etc.

fist tribal bord newsg 2nd AARP - Another far-left-wing organization that is falsely and laughably touted as "nonpartisan". AARP checks all of the boycott boxes: Supports gun control, Obama Care, race-mongers, pushes climate change, LBGTQ tribalism, and more immigration. Cheerleaders of Facebook censorship. Dem donors by over 10 to 1. Instead join AMAC.

fist tribal Big Brothers Big Sisters - Has devolved into 'woke' left-wing organization pushing CRT. This organization is very dangerous because they have access to at-risk children. [1, 2, 3, 4]

fist United Way - Teaching critical race theory hate training, urging white people to "cede power to people of color."

fist tribal bord alert-1 2nd Sierra Club - (See our detailed review of Sierra Club) - Cookie-cutter far-left-wing political organization packaged as an 'environmental organization'.

fist tribal bord newsg 2nd Amnesty International - (See our detailed review of Amnesty International) - Anti-Trump, Anti-Semetic, Pro-Censorship, Globalists. Just another group of far-left-wing hypocrites with selective outrage, and who parrot recycled lies and propaganda from the DNC. Harvard University's affiliate of Amnesty International, blamed Israel for Hamas' surprise attack that killed 700+ Israelis.

fist tribal bord alert-1 The Salvation Army - (See our detailed review of the SA) - Race-mongering, wants "racial reconciliation", taught critical race theory in their "Study Guide on RACISM", donations clearly favor democrats. LBGTQ tribalism. Pro-open-borders in Europe.

fist tribal bord newsg Red Cross - Exposed by James O'Keefe as being complicit in helping to settle illegal immigrants. Celebrates D.I.E., LGBTQ tribalism. Pushing the CO2 climate hoax. Fighting vaccine 'misinformation' (AKA censoring facts that go against lefty groupthink). Predicatably, dem donors by a huge margin.

fist tribal bord newsg International Rescue Committee - Taxpayer funded 'refugee' and illegal immigrant assistance. Anti-Trump nonsense. LGBTQ tribalism. Pushing D.I.E. Wants to combat vaccine 'misinformation' (AKA wants censorship). Pushing the CO2 climate hoax.

fist tribal bord newsg 2nd RockTheVote - (See our detailed review of Rock The Vote) - Yet another self-described 'non-partisan' organization that is anything but! Ballot harvesters and democrat party propagandists. We're not stupid. The reason they want to get more people (especially young people) to vote is because disinterested citizens usually vote democrat when pushed. RockTheVote is not much different than ballot harvesting or Civic Alliance. It's a net gain for democrats. RockTheVote parrots DNC talking points. They regurgitate January 6th narratives: "An act of treason, and those who participated are traitors to the United States of America." They falsely called Trump's select Muslim country ban a 'Muslim country ban'. Based in the left-wing Washington, DC.

fist tribal bord The Smithsonian Institute - Released a list of 'White Supremacist Values' that included objectivity, punctuality, working hard before you have fun. Pride tribalism. Democrat donors. Pro-immigration. Pushing the CO2 climate change lie.

alert-1 Habitat for Humanity - Joined the ADL's anti-Trump group StopHateForProfit.

fist USAA - $50 Million "Commitment to Advance Racial Equality". Instead join AMAC.

bord PETA - Deafeningly silent about Haitians killing cats and geese in Ohio.

tribal Boy Scouts of America - Gone woke! Changed their name to 'Scouting America' in order to be more 'inclusive'.

fist newsg Girl Scouts - Gone full sicko! Trying to indoctrinate young girls into transgenderism and LGBTQ [1, 2, 3,]. A very dangerous SJW organization that is trying to indoctrinate young girls, while contradicting themselves every step of the way. Infected by Democrat politics: Girl Scouts capitulated to the Democrat mob when they took down a tweet congratulating Judge Amy Coney Barrett. The self-censoring women running Girl Scouts are absolutely ignorant and cowardly -- not courageous and confident, as they purport to build such character in young girls. Girl Scouts also supports the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter [1, 2], and wants equality (AKA socialism). Girl Scouts laughably says that they do "not have a position on police reform", while paradoxically lovingly supporting the violent, lawless group that wants to abolish the police.

fist tribal newsg Rotary Club - (See our detailed review of the Rotary Club) - Claims to be 'non-political', yet pushing D.I.E. ('diversity, equity, and inclusion' AKA less white people), pushing CO2 climate change, wants to control political messaging, loves flop-check sites like Snopes, triggered by memes and 'ideas' about Ilhan Omar, rushing to defend Hillary Clinton, while attacking Trump. Fortunately this club has been slowly dying as it loses members.

alert-1 Boys & Girls Clubs of America - Opposed Georgia's much needed voting reform bill.

fist alert-1 League of Conservation Voters - Using a name to fool people. This far-left liberal group donates exclusively to Democrats (ratio of $5.19 million to zero from 2018 - 2020), and pushes the usual race-card BS, climate change nonsense, etc.

fist alert-1 Lincoln Project - Falsely claims to be run by Republicans. The Lincoln Project staged the vile tiki torch stunt at a Glen Youngkin rally. The Lincoln Project also spent $300,000 against Youngkin (R) and favoring McAuliffe (D). By supporting McAuliffe, the Lincoln Project inherently supports critical race theory. The National Republican Senatorial Committee called The Lincoln Project a “scam PAC” and accused its members of “lining their own pockets.”

alert-1 SAG-AFTRA - Far-left-wing political union. Wants to discipline / expel Trump.

fist tribal newsg Pulitzer Prize - An award for predominantly liberal journalism and propaganda. Giving out prizes for fake news stories about Russian collusion -- They have never revoked these awards. Gave an award to the teen who recorded the George Floyd incident.

2nd Consumer Federation of America - Anti-NRA.

2nd League of Women Voters of the U.S. - Anti-NRA group. Remember, organizations claiming to be just women's organizations are always Democrat women's organizations.

alert-1 The Ford Foundation - Opposed Georgia's much needed voting reform bill.

alert-1 The Ad Council- CEO Lisa Sherman of this non-profit signed a petition started by the not-so-nonpartisan group Civic Alliance.

fist TearThePaperCeiling - Pushing race-over-merit from a sneaky angle. 'When employers screen for a bachelor’s degree they exclude the majority of Black, Hispanic, rural, and veteran workers.'

amer Freedom Forum Institute - A left-wing organization pretending to stand for free speech. FFI laughably gave Susan Wojcicki, of the censorship platform YouTube, a "Free Expression" award. How Orwellian can you get!

alert-1 The Center for Tech and Civil Life - Funded by Mark Zuckerberg to advocate for left-wing voting policies and increasing voter turnout in Democrat areas.

alert-1 Scripps Research Translational Institute - Founder and director, Eric Topol campaigned to stop approving the COVID vaccine before the 2016 election. [1, 2]

fist Yale School of Medicine - Allowed Dr. Aruna Khilanani to "lecture" on campus at the Child Study Center, making a racist rant about killing white people, etc. Yale refused to denounce Khilanani's hate speech.

fist New York Board of Health - Doing nothing about Dr. Aruna Khilanani.

fist The American College of Surgeons - Race over merit. Apparently prioritizing equity. Embraces DIE.

fist American Medical Association - Doctors politicians. Declared that the body mass index scale is racist!

amer American Board of Internal Medicine - Ministry of Truth on COVID. Wants to de-license doctors that oppose the Biden regime’s radical COVID agenda.

alert-1 American Academy of Family Physicians - Doctors politicians. Joined the anti-Trump group Stop HateFor Profit.

amer The American Board of Family Medicine - Doctors politicians. Outrageously stripped a doctor of his certification for prescribing Ivermectin for COVID. Ivermectic is effective.

amer Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board - Doctors politicians. Kicked Dr. John Littell out of their board meeting after testifying to the effectiveness of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19. Ivermectic is effective.

tribal The American Kennel Club - Against NC's bathroom bill.

fist The National Bar Association Young Lawyers Division - Perfectly OK with attorneys Collinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, who tossed a Molotov cocktail into a police vehicle.

alert-1 American Bar Association - When Letitia James and Alvin Bragg campaigned on the political prosecution of Trump, the ABA was missing in action. Nothing to see here. Move along.

fist Goodwill - Race-mongering at SF location.

tribal YMCA - Allows men who “identify” as women to use women’s locker rooms.

amer The American Jewish Congress - Wants to make "exceptions" to the First Amendment in order to shut Gab down. 

newsg - Never trust a Democrat not-for profit (NFP). There's always an agenda. Read our review of this group.

fist bord alert-1 2nd - Another self-descrbed "non-partisan" site that cheerleads for Democrats and liberal causes.

fist tribal American Geophysical Union (AGU) fellows program award - Racism before science and merit: Decided to scrap their science award when they discovered that all of the nominees were white and male.

fist tribal Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Scientists politicians. Wokeness before science and merit: When their glaceologist, Helen Fricker served as a panelist for the American Geophysical Union, she said that she thought it was “kind of a bit of a showstopper for me” that all of the nominees were white and male.

amer Center for Countering Digital Hate - Wants to shut down speech that challenges the refuted theory that humans are causing the planet to warm up.

amer Institute for Strategic Dialogue - Wants to shut down speech that challenges the refuted theory that humans are causing the planet to warm up.

fist Agave Community Health and Wellness - Doctors politicians. The founder, Dr. Cadey Harrel called white men "the single greatest domestic terrorist group in this country".

Make A Wish Foundation - Requiring kids to get vaccinated before getting their wish, despite World Health Organization saying kids should not get vaccinated, and despite the remote risk of COVID to kids.

tribal American Association of Pediatrics - Doctors politicians. Anti-Science! In cahoots with the teacher's union. Advises that everyone older than age 2 should wear masks, regardless of vaccination status, when schools reopen in the fall. Stands by policy on gender-affirming care for trans kids.

newsg Teamsters - Like all virtually unions, the Teamsters are nothing more than an extension of the democrat party. They shamelessly denounced the Freedom Convoy. Need we say more? Huge dem donors. In lock-step, the Teamsters also praise the Biden administration.

fist tribal bord newsg Wilson Center - Yet another transparently left-wing organization that calls itself 'nonpartisan'. Leftist, Nina Jankowicz is a fellow at the WC She called Hunter Biden's laptop disinformation from the Trump campaign. Now she heads Biden's Disinformation Governance Board. The WC is pushing global warming nonsense. Pushing D.I.E., cheering for illegal immigration immigration,

fist tribal bord alert-1 2nd Greenpeace - (Detailed review of Greenpeace) - Once upon a time, Greenpeace started out with an honorable cause to save whales from being harpooned. Those days are long gone. Now, they're just another echo chamber of loud leftists. It's climate change nonsense, gender tribalism, hatred of Trump, race-mongering, anti-Judge Kavanaugh, and hatred of guns. Greenpeace was 'devastated' by the election of Trump and pondered how to 'get through' his presidency.

amer alert-1 2nd Edward R. Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award - Leftists patting each other on the back. Useless award for left-wing propagandists like Lester Holt.

fist tribal newsg the Mark Twain Prize - Honoring left-wing propagandists like John Stewart.

Nobel Peace Price - Prize for the scientist behind the deadly mRNA COVID jabs.

fist newsg Culture of Democracy Summit - Yet another 'non-partisan' outfit that is anything but non-partisan. Led by Michelle Obama for Democrats, all talking about Democrat causes, such as stopping 'disinformation' (AKA truths, facts, and differing opinions), stopping the overturn of Roe VS Wade, 'social responsibility' in the entertainment industry (AKA censorship) and criminal justice system (AKA dismantle the justice system), fighting 'voter suppression' (AKA keeping voter fraud), etc.

amer Virality Project - Orwellian Ministry of Truth targeted anyone who did not robotically fall in line with the CDC and media narratives about COVID.

fist tribal Rock And Roll Hall of Fame - Infected by woke politics. Pushing D.I.E., climate change and the 'health of the planet' (AKA CO2 climate change nonsense).

fist tribal bord amer UNICEF - Anti-free speech, Race-mongering about BLM. D.I.E., pride tribalism, pro-immigrants, climate change nonsense. Attacking people who question the vaccines as spreaders of 'misinformation'. Almost exclusively dem donors. Tears for Hamas. Called on a ceasefire in Gaza.

fist TED talks - Tried to censor black conservative. Featuring debate-is-over science-is-settled climate clowns.

fist tribal National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Forced 90-year-old volunteer to step down over pronoun usage. Pushing D.I.E. Pride tribalism. 100% dem donors since 2006.

fist tribal bord newsg 2nd United Nations - Self explanitory. See our review about their communications leader. 

fist Make A Wish Foundation - "Committed to championing diversity, equity and inclusion". No wishes for unvaxxed kids who don't follow Draconian restrictions regarding air travel and large gatherings.

fist tribal bord newsg 2nd - Another woke non-profit fighting for each and every lefty cause. Wants donations to stop 'the extreme project 2025'. Race mongering about 'systemic racism', 'racial justice', George Floyd, BLM, 'equity', blah blah, blah. Pride tribalism. Wants to help 'climate refugees'. says that guns are a threat to biodiversity. The debate is over and The Science is settled! NRDC is mad about 'climate misinformation' on social media. Wants to confront 'the climate crisis'.


Race-mongering organizations:

Southern Poverty Law Center


National Urban League

Color of Change



List of organizations calling for a boycott of Twitter advertisers after the Elon Musk purchase of the company.