Our Boycott Criteria
1) We boycott companies that attack free speech.
Examples: Company stops advertising with conservative media host for having conservative views. Company attempts to make it difficult for a free speech social media platform to exist.
2) We boycott companies that attack Trump and/or Republicans.
Examples: Company CEO speaks out against Trump. Large amounts of employee / PAC donations to Democrats.
3) We boycott companies that attempt to meddle in election integrity.
Example: Major League Baseball pulling the all-star game out of Georgia because Georgia wants to require ID's to vote.
We also boycott companies that actively push to get more voter turnout. Why? At first glance, pushing people to vote would seem to be nonpartisan. It is not. This is done purposefully to get more Democrat votes because the very people who aren't motivated to vote, when pushed to do so, usually vote Democrat. Furthermore, people who aren't motivated to vote are usually uneducated on the issues, on who the candidates are, etc. Dumb voters should not be mucking up elections.
4) Tribalism, tribalism, tribalism! We boycott companies that push identity politics, by reinforcing the Democrat party's insidious agenda of separating people into oppressed groups in order to keep people angry -- divide the country and then conquer! This includes companies that push critical race theory, support race-mongering groups (such as BLM, the ACLU, the NAACP, etc), are anti-police (or otherwise support efforts to dismantle the justice system), or aggressively push LBGTQ or gender tribalism, including encouraging children to deny their gender. The 'anti-hate' industry IS the hate industry [1, 2].
Examples: Company drapes the front page of their website with "Pride Day". Company vows to hire based on LBGTQ rather than merit.
5) We boycott companies that attack the 2nd Amendment. History has taught us that taking away guns is the final step used in achieving total government tyranny. Leftists allow the mentally ill to roam freely while leaving schools and other public spaces unsecured. This allows shootings to take place so that they can argue to incrementally chip away at gun rights. Many corporations are complicit in furthering the false narrative that we need just one more law to make things safe. Examples: Company pulls advertising because conservative media host voices opposition to anti-gun activists. Company stops doing business with the NRA.
6) We boycott companies that resist the enforcement of our border laws, are anti-America, push for globalism, etc.
Example: Company pulls advertising because conservative media host supports merit-based immigration.
7) We boycott companies that require employees to get vaccinated, either without being required to by law, or without putting up at least some resistance (as In-N-Out Burger righteously resisted). Remember that companies use VAX mandates as a creative way to get rid of employees who are likely conservative.
8) We mention when companies try to normalize CO2 climate change nonsense as if it's real and man-made. Generally, we do not add a company to our boycott list when they are only spreading climate change nonsense. They must also get onto our radar because of one or more of the above criteria. We are less concerned with companies that impose costly restrictions on themselves, rather than ones that push their CO2 doom & gloom ideology on others. However, we have to assume that these companies also stifle free speech by refusing to advertise on YouTube videos that challenge global warming, challenge the many government lies about COVID, etc.
Example: Company runs advertisements that reinforce the notion that humans are causing the planet to heat up.
We review companies that cater to consumers (and sometimes very small businesses) rather than to large businesses. Hence, on this site, you won't find reviews of companies like Caterpillar.
Generally, we boycott large companies. Except in the case of companies that get big national attention, such as the Red Hen, we don't clutter our boycott list with tiny businesses or the endless list of 'woke' tech startups. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Similarly, we don't bother with tiny companies that have just one or a few stores or just a few online products for sale. When we recommend alternate companies, we recommend ones that have competitive prices and have online stores with large enough selections of consumer products that people will actually want to shop with them.
We prefer companies headquartered in Republican-dominated cities or states.
Our strategy purposely calls for singling out a 'worst' in-category company in order to inflict maximum financial damage. That particular company can also be made an example out of, for other companies to take note of. Peta used this strategy (to improve farm conditions) by singling out KFC rather than boycotting every single major restaurant chain that serves chicken, which would be less effective, if not ineffective. Sometimes we have multiple worst-in-category companies just because there are so many exceptionally vile companies.
Sometimes we may recommend that you support companies that might not be perfect, but doing so may be necessary when there are few or no other viable alternate choices.
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